If you are living with a chipped tooth, badly stained teeth, or a gap, you may be hesitant to show off your smile. Veneers help restore the appearance and health of your teeth, so you can confidently show off your pearly whites.

Veneers are a great investment to improve the look of your teeth. However, there’s a lot of misconceptions out there. Some common concerns are that veneers are fragile, hard to care for and even look fake. When properly applied, they are a natural and durable dental solution to give you the smile you deserve.

Woman smiling in car with healthy teeth

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or plastic cemented over the front of your teeth. Due to the durable material, you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods without worry. They are made to fit  and bond to your tooth’s enamel during a series of appointments. Since each veneer is custom for each patient, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to see the difference between your natural teeth and the veneer.

With proper care, veneers can last up to 10-15 years! Porcelain veneers are made not just to whiten your teeth, but to keep them white. They are highly resistant to permanent staining from coffee, tea or other food products. The best part is that you’ll see an instant result after your appointment.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Veneers?

In order to get veneers, your teeth and gums must be healthy. Your dentist will need to treat any disease or decay before they are placed. If you clench or grind your teeth, Dr. Plancich recommends a bite guard to use at nighttime in order to prevent any damage to your veneers.

It’s important to know that during the process, your dentist will remove a little tooth enamel in order to fit the veneers. The process cannot be undone once the enamel is removed.

Dr. Plancich will evaluate the condition of your teeth and discuss if veneers are the proper treatment to resolve your conditions. We want you to have a beautiful smile, as well as preserve your overall oral health. If you have healthy tooth enamel to support the veneers and your bite is aligned, you could be an ideal candidate.

How to Care Your Veneers

Luckily for busy people, maintaining proper care of veneers is easy. You need to maintain a daily oral hygiene routine with brushing and flossing. You are required to return for a follow-up visit and evaluation about a week or two after your procedure. Even if you feel that your veneers are a success, this appointment is vital for your dentist to examine that everything is holding properly.

Keep in mind that veneers do not last forever, and will need to be replaced at some point. However, proper oral hygiene will help them last for as long as possible.

Schedule a Veneer Appointment With Your Tacoma Family Dentist

Veneers are a safe and an effective solution to fix the health and appearance of your teeth. With proper care, they can last at least ten to fifteen years. Contact our Tacoma dental office to schedule your next appointment. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding veneers or any cosmetic dentistry.